Arhontariki Villa - Greece Crete Chania Kissamos Arhontariki Villa - Greece Crete Chania Kissamos Arhontariki Villa - Greece Crete Chania Kissamos
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Arhontariki is situated in the picturesque village of Kalyviani, 35 kilometers from the city of Chania, 5 km from the town of Kasteli and 800 meters from the port of Kasteli and 800 meters from the port of Kasteli. It is a lively village with coffee shops, and restaurants, a refreshment stop for those on their way to visit the island of Granvousa with its impressive castle, built by the Venetians in 1579, the Balos Lagoon and the coastal ancient Minoan town of Falasserna and the synonymous near by beach, one of the loveliest in Greece.


Distance to:NameKm or meters
City or VillageChania Town35 km

Arhontariki Villa - Greece Crete Chania Kissamos
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